For IT Recruiters Executive Summary Our Structure Plans Projects

Our Plans
According to a number of internet articles, the following are facts which we need to address:

According to new research, 68 percent of IT projects fail
Every year Billions of Dollars are wasted on failed projects. What is even worse, the bigger the project, the higher the probability of failure, which means more money and resources are wasted.
Job outsourcing is when U.S. companies hire foreign workers instead of Americans. In 2013, U.S. overseas affiliates employed 14 million workers. The four industries most affected are technology, call centers, human resources, and manufacturing.

The lesson learned from these statements is failure is not an option. Secondly, CEO and stakeholders want to get some hard guarantees for our success. Plus show them how we can cut the labor cost and reverse the outsourcing of US jobs. Our answer is we present the following as our structure:

Company-management-tech lead
Real world experience
Track record
Project plans
Automation and intelligent software tools, approaches
Intelligent and automated testing
Using intelligence, virtualization and automation in reversing outsourcing of US jobs by cutting the labor cost and replacing tens of thousands of offshore jobs with automation.

We plan not to fail and address all the aspects of success including development cost. Virtualization, Intelligence and Automation are key ingredients. When it comes to projects, there is no "one size fits all", but our project structure is built on the common foundation for almost all projects. Our project structure will save 40% of initial start of any project.
Our technical team has built our planning foundation with the following components:

       1. Management
       2. Team
       3. Clients and clients' issues
       4. Technologies
       5. Platforms
       6. Frameworks
       7. Products
       8. Tools
       9. Environment
       10. Development
       11. Dynamic Business Rules
       12. Tracking
       13. Testing
       14. Documentation
       15. Training
       16. Budget

Plans for United Airlines:
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system for the airlines companies could mean the difference between leading or get bought out for losing the competitive edge. We are targeting airlines companies, therefore we need to look at their business goals. Searching the internet for United Airlines' goals, we found out that United is struggling financially. Our answer to United Airlines is a CRM system which addresses not just customers, but addresses all the aspects of the running business. It includes airports, employees, weathers, cities, aircrafts and everything which would make United a competitive leader in the industry. Such CRM system uses United's Big Data and it would be built with intelligence, efficiencies, security and economically with futuristic features.

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